When you are “with it,” you know it. You also know when you are “off your game.” If you find that you lack the pep you once had, the good news is that you can end the blahs.

Harvard Medical School doctors have published a report, Boosting Your Energy, which will expand your understanding of the factors that affect your energy level, including the amount and type of stress, sleep habits, exercise routine, and diet.

The report lists the foods that fuel muscles and the mind and pinpoints low-glycemic-load foods that keep energy on an even keel. It highlights the vitamins and minerals that are key to efficient energy production, explains the power of caffeine, and details why you should think twice before spending time and money on energy bars and sports drinks.

The report offers ways to reduce stress and jump-start your natural energy. To learn more about Boosting Your Energy, order the report ($20) by calling toll-free 1-877-649-9457.