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Senior Services launched its first Community Garden in May as a benefit for seniors who enjoyed the summerlong bounty of fresh and healthy produce.

Consisting of four raised beds, the garden also aimed at helping seniors re-engage and better connect with the community around them. Volunteers and staff, along with Meals-on-Wheels participants, helped Donald Hairston tend the garden on a weekly basis, watering, pruning, fertilizing, and harvesting the garden’s produce. (Donald is a Meals-on-Wheels participant who rose to the top as the one of the most faithful garden volunteers.)

While others were delighted to receive fresh vegetables, he expressed appreciation for the feeling of his being needed as well as for the fresh produce which he shared with other seniors.

According to Aging with Purpose Project Coordinator Melissa Smith, “It’s been a great opportunity for seniors to get out of their homes, reconnect with their community and meet new people while helping to give to others while utilizing timeworn gardening skills.”

In large part, the project has been successful because of the generosity and support of community volunteers. A local carpenter, Ed Snider, designed the raised beds and directed a group of volunteers in their construction. Rich Pope with Sides Seeding and Landscaping donated the nutrient-rich soil, and Cindy Webster with Ace Hardware donated all plants, cages, stakes and fertilizer for the summer crops. Plans are to continue the same this fall.

To date, the garden has produced 630 tomatoes, 140 cucumbers, 37 zucchini, 25 squash and 20 green peppers, providing fresh food for more than 90 seniors. Senior Services is currently seeking volunteers to help with the fall garden. If you want to get involved, call Melissa Smith at 336-725-0907.