In this Issue…
Senior Savvy. That’s the impression one gets when viewing Winston-Salem’s senior calendar of events. There’s Senior Services which sponsors 38 programs and services for the senior population. And Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem with programs all over the city as well as in its Ebert Street office. And Parks and Rec’s Senior Games which involve a record number of seniors vying for the Gold locally and in Raleigh every year.
It’s a city where the mayor meets monthly with seniors, where they have their own art festival (Second Senior Arts) and their own hospital (Sticht Center). Well, you get the idea.
The past is not neglected. The Wright Brothers’ First Flight is on exhibit at the North Carolina Museum of History. You might want to attend Salisbury’s Confederate Prison Symposium in April, or quaff a beer at Gibb’s Hundred in downtown Greensboro, all in this issue.