Paul Mogannam, MD

Paul Mogannam, MD, one of the founders of Flexogenix, specializes in treating degenerative osteoarthritis of the knees and other joints. Flexogenix implements a comprehensive, non-surgical approach to treat joint conditions including the use of advanced biologic technology and modern physical therapy.

Why does arthritis affect some people more than others and women more than men? Here are four primary risk factors that explain why 60 percent of osteoarthritis patients are women: biology, heredity, menopause and obesity.

Risk factor #1 – Biology

Since the female body is designed for childbirth, the tendons of the lower body are more flexible resulting in the joints moving more. Since the width of a woman’s hips makes her knees naturally misaligned, injury is more common. Osteoarthritis (OA) often results from injury.

Risk factor #2 – Heredity

OA is often passed from generation to generation, particularly in the case for women. Due to the role of genetics, a woman is more likely to be diagnosed with osteoarthritis if her mother suffered from it.

Risk factor #3 – Menopause

Estrogen reduces inflammation in the cartilage of a woman’s joints. In preventing inflammation, the hormone is helping to prevent osteoarthritis. Following menopause, women are more likely to suffer from OA because their hormones adjust while estrogen levels are decreasing.

Risk factor #4 – Obesity

Women and men are equally liable to suffer from obesity, but it’s especially a problem for women because of the additional pounds which increase the rate at which the cartilage deteriorates. For every five additional pounds, a woman increases the stress on her knees by 15 pounds and hips by 30 pounds.

The impact on joints becomes more obvious when you consider that 100 pounds of additional weight increases the pressure on the knees by 300 pounds. Thinking about that pressure in terms of day-to-day movements, it’s easy to see why it would lead to premature damage in weight-bearing joints. (The chance of experiencing additional weight increases following menopause when women typically have additional fat in their bellies.

Treating OA

There are various reasons why women suffering from osteoarthritis are at greater risk for this chronic pain condition; however, that doesn’t mean they have to accept the pain. At Flexogenix, men and women can achieve an active and pain-free lifestyle via innovative non-surgical solutions. Call 1-888-YES-FLEX or visit for more information.