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The Elderlaw Firm is offering Free Healthcare POA as our way of giving back during COVID-19.

Have you done the paperwork for your healthcare power of attorney (HCPOA)? The Elderlaw Firm is offering free HCPOAs as our give-back during COVID-19. Take the time now to discuss your healthcare wishes with your loved ones and learn about theirs. Don’t wait for “the right time.” Start the conversation today. All it takes is three easy steps:

  1. Talk to your loved ones and healthcare team about your wishes.
  2. Designate an individual who will speak for you when you cannot and protect and honor your wishes.
  3. Complete and submit your FREE North Carolina Health Care Power of Attorney and HIPAA Authorization legal forms from The Elderlaw Firm at We’ll mail your documents within days at no cost.

Easy. Local. Trusted. Feel safe, ready & confident!