Cheryl Greenberg - HeadshotCheryl Greenberg, Ed.D.

Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, Ed.D., works as a coach, or guide, for seniors and their families as they consider and plan for changes in their personal and work lives. Contact her at or 336-202-5669.


The long-lived and always active Betty Friedan once said, “Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”

And others have had similar perspectives:

Frank Lloyd Wright wrote, “The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.”

Jane Fonda said that being older can “bring us into wisdom, wholeness and authenticity.”

These are such wonderful, positive perspectives, free of ageism, looking forward to new experiences and a fulfilling future!

However, Betty Davis also reminded us that “aging isn’t for sissies.”

Creating a fulfilling future can seem difficult. We run into obstacles. We are unsure about how to move ahead. We need guidance and support to create a “new stage of opportunity and strength” that may involve relocating, deciding to retire, finding new creative outlets, volunteering, and planning adventures. This is where a life coach for seniors comes in.


A life coach for seniors and their families gives folks the opportunity to:

  • Learn about change
  • Create strategies for making changes
  • Navigate the feelings that go along with these changes

For example, a lovely couple called me recently to say that they wanted to downsize, but they had no idea where to start and, frankly, felt sad about moving from the home they had built on the coast of Virginia. During our conversations, we shared information about the changes involved in downsizing: the nitty gritty of moving, selecting a new residence that was a “good fit,” and adjusting to new surroundings and friends.

We developed strategies for making this change. We had timetables and tips for making decisions. We talked about what they should keep, what they could discard, what a niece or nephew might be delighted to have, and what might be useful for new hobbies and adventures.

We also found resources in the community when they needed specialists, such as people who could help sell antiques.

And we talked about how to navigate the feelings the couple was having.


People speak with a senior coach about how to create a positive, creative future.

Honestly, though, even more people meet with a life coach for seniors when they or their loved ones have a dementia or another disease.

In these cases, conversations include:

  • Information about what the disease is and what to expect
  • Strategies for supporting the person with the disease:  how to deal with difficult behaviors, help a person eat, manage wandering, and such
  • Resources in the community, such as day programs, home care, and transportation

And, as we noted earlier, we talk about the feelings of loss, anxiety, and stress that are involved with being ill or supporting a loved one who is living with a disease.

These conversations are comfortable for a coach; it is what life coaches do. When folks meet with a coach, she can help them tell their story and navigate changes so that they have the best possible “next stage,” whether they are planning new paths and adventures or navigating challenging times.

Dr. Greenberg would be happy to help you think through your plans for the future … both the practical and the emotionally satisfying.