Tina Glenn is the President and CEO of Hearthside Home Care Inc. with home care services as FirstLight Home Care Guilford. She has over 40 years in healthcare and C-level executive experience of 28 years. She can be reached at 336-808-1351.
One in three adults in the U.S. cares for an aging or disabled loved one. If you’re one of these family caregivers, you know how demanding the role can be.
According to a report from the AARP, 36% of family caregivers would describe their situation as “highly stressful.” In addition, the number of caregivers who would characterize themselves as in excellent health has dropped from 48% in 2015 to 41% in 2020. It’s no wonder, as studies have shown that caregiving can lead to physical ailments, like high blood pressure, depression and anxiety.
The good news is, there are many ways to avoid caregiver stress and maintain a healthy balance in your life.
If you’re noticing irritability, depression, exhaustion, or an increase in health problems, you could be suffering from burnout. Here are some tips to help you cope:
#1: Accept Help. Sometimes, the biggest stumbling block is reaching out, asking for and accepting help. It’s difficult to think you can’t handle everything on your own. However, the reality is that when a loved one requires ongoing care and support, it’s impossible to handle it all alone. You need help, whether it’s from friends, family, church groups, neighbors, or others.
#2: Talk it Out. If you’re struggling with stress from caregiving, talk to a friend or even a counselor. These are normal emotions to have. Learning how to cope with and overcome them will help you regain your mental balance.
#3: Join a Support Group. There are family caregiver support groups you can join. Social media sites, like Facebook, even have private groups where you can ask questions, share struggles related to caregiver stress and get and provide comfort. This can also lift your spirits and provide hope that you’re not alone.
#4: Outsource and Delegate. Are there certain errands you could outsource for your loved one? Could you have their groceries delivered on a weekly basis? Or hire a housekeeper to clean their home and do their laundry? Are there other areas where you could hire a company to handle a task, like mowing the lawn and home maintenance? The more you’re able to outsource and delegate to others, the less will be on your list to complete.
#5: Have Fun. Stepping away to spend time with your family and friends and socialize are important to a healthy, balanced life.
#6: Stay Fit. Make sure you’re taking care of your own health. This includes a well-balanced diet, exercise, ample sleep and limited alcohol. Just a few minor adjustments, such as drinking more water during the day, can go a long way in making you feel healthier and stronger.
#7: Take Breaks from the Stress of Being a Caregiver. This sounds easy enough. However, if you don’t have a family member or friend to step in and care for your loved one, it can feel impossible. If this is your situation, consider an adult day care or professional caregivers who can offer you respite help.
Caregiving is a rewarding role. However, it’s important to take breaks and take care of yourself to maintain your own health.
Tina Glenn is the President of FirstLight Home Care of Guilford and Jacksonsville & Crystal Coast, NC. She can be reached at 336-808-1351. Provided by Tina Glenn, CEO and Roget de Percin Berendes with FirstLight Home of Guilford and Jacksonville.